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Ghosts of Irish Hill

An Augmented Reality Walking Tour in San Francisco.

Using AR and elements of narrative journalism to tell the forgotten history of Irish Hill, a working class community destroyed for other's growth and capital.

Project Overview


Select a hidden or lost incident, movement, or person as the focus of an AR monument. Using tenets of narrative journalism, express a point of view (POV) about the subject, through well-researched information expressed through a creative lens.

Duration: 6 weeks, completed October 2024

Role: Creative Technologist, Designer, Developer

Tools: Unity, C#, Storyboarding, Vuforia, Blender

Focus: Immersive Storytelling, Narrative Journalism, AR Design, Technical Implementation in Unity

Context: Audited CCA Grad class “XR: Immersive Experiences and Scripted Spaces”


During San Francisco's Industrial Boom, Irish Hill was once a small, lively working-class neighborhood of Irish immigrants employed primarily at the Union Iron Works shipping yard nearby. During WWI, the hill and its residents were displaced to make way for shipyard expansion. I chose to make an Augmented Reality monument to the workers who were swept away by the exploitation and power imbalance inherent to capitalism.

Interaction 1

Design & Development Process


Conducted site research by walking around Irish Hill several times to map out a route for the tour. Identified potential locations for target, surface, and mid-air AR interactions. Timed the walk to plan the audio script accordingly."


I did extensive historic research on Irish Hill thanks to historian Steven Fidel Herraiz's in-depth presentation on Irish Hill and documentation on FoundSF. Learned about San Francisco's Industrial Movement through information of FoundSF.


I studied Michael Epstein's Museum of the Hidden City, An Augmented Reality walking tour of San Francisco's Fillmore District, which was once a thriving, diverse community now displaced by urban renewal, gentrification, and city policies that reshaped the neighborhood. I was inspired by the use of overlayed images in AR to bring the past to life as well as the compelling audio of real people.

Interaction 1


When writing the script for the narrator, I wanted to maintain authenticity since I'm not Irish and would say "saloon" instead of "pub", so I recruited my Canadian-Irish coworker, Brian Hardt to review the language in my script and by my voice actor.

Augmented Reality Design

Wayfinding using AR Target Based Detection:


Image overlay to compare then & now:


Final Experience

Next Steps

- Conduct more onsite user testing to enhance the map and wayfinding part of the experience.

- Finalize the app and make it accessible to the public!

- Make more! I'm working on an AR site tour of a brownfield central to Neighborship's bioremediation project in Oakland. The AR app will be used to grow community engagement.


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